73 posts by Mudra Keswani

Musical Sunday Brunch

      Sunday's should officially be declared as lazy days!  Most of us are hungover and hungry. Breakfast is missed, and waiting for lunch is too much to expect. In the current era, the most obvious thing you all ... Continue Reading

Brunching Out Loud!

As the weekend slips through, commencing a new week with a lazy Sunday morning, you might happen to skip breakfast. To chase down those mid morning hunger pangs, a perfect Sunday Brunch is what will set the right mood for the day. So if you have no ... Continue Reading

Naidu`s Kottu – from South Indian Chopals

Hello Chatora People, March is all about madness and by that madness I mean Hustle Bustle. Yes, my social media accounts must have given you an idea of why I mentioned this. For those who are not aware, I'd like to mention that this month has ... Continue Reading

Let’s Fall in Love with Bhopal – IG Street Food Photowalk

Hello my fellow Chatoras, Hope you've survived this traumatic month of February if you're single and for those who are committed, it's okay. I have food which works better for me. :P This Blog post is going to be a super duper short one as I'll ... Continue Reading